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Learning with Lucy: Introductions


Hi! My name’s Lucy, I am the apprentice roaster here at Green Farm Coffee.

In this blog feature, I will be taking you through my journey into the coffee industry and my experiences as a young apprentice.

After leaving college I found it difficult obtaining a job. With little experience in the working world, I was unsure of what I wanted to do next.
I decided an apprenticeship was a great next step for me; I wanted to gain experience and potentially a career path for the future.


Amongst my search for an apprenticeship, I stumbled across a vacancy for an apprentice coffee roaster at Green Farm Coffee.
I’ve always enjoyed coffee and been fascinated by its growing popularity.

Like many casual coffee drinkers, I had little to no idea of how substantial the coffee industry was.
Or how developed and intricate the process is that’s involved in everyone’s favourite morning beverage.

I admit I was rather partial to a cup of Nescafe gold before I started my apprenticeship…

Knowing very little about the industry I did some research online. Brushed up on my handshakes and made my way to the interview.
To my delight, they thought I was a perfect fit! Much like getting a golden ticket, I basically ran home to tell everyone the good news!

On the 8th of January 2018, I arrived for my first day! No pressure!With all the emotions that come from starting a new chapter in life, I came with a hell of a lot of enthusiasm.
It was a crash course in coffee like no other and very quickly I realised that there was way more to learn than I had ever anticipated!

Looking at the 30kg coffee roaster I thought it seemed more like something from Hogwarts!
Luckily, the magical roastery team made up of Craig and Dan took me under their wings and were very excited to impart their knowledge.

My first week consisted of understanding the different elements that bring coffee together.
Tasting, sampling, origin, regions and about 50 more topics I hadn’t even considered playing a part in the makeup of coffee.
I can honestly say I did not feel too well at the end of that first week.
My heart was pounding, and I was learning the effects of caffeine on the body the hard way!
Despite hitting a coffee-infused wall, I was well and truly awakened to the coffee world.

From learning about the farming process to the end process of making a drink.
We hadn’t even scratched the surface. So many elements to understand and variables that determine the end result.
Also understanding that things can go wrong in a coffee, but when they go well the rich flavours and aromas are worth all the effort.

Nearly two years on, I am still learning new things every day.
I can even produce a beautiful latte art swan, eat your heart out Van Gogh!
The coffee industry is an ever-growing market with new information constantly being released and developments being made.

I have learnt a lot in my time as an apprentice, not only about coffee but about the world of work.
My confidence has grown, I have learnt how to work well within a team, and I have gained skills that I can take forward in my life.
And let’s just say I don’t drink Nescafe gold anymore.

I would like to share what I have learnt in this blog and go into more detail about the different aspects of coffee.
Hopefully, you will find it as fascinating as I do as we go along this journey together.

Oh, and just to say my current favourite coffee is this!

See you next time!

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