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GreenFarmCoffee Branded Cafe At Fairhaven Woodland And Water Gardens

Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden Cafe

In April of 2016, Green Farm Coffee and Fairhaven Woodland and Water Gardens came together to produce a brand new cafe area for their visitors. Supplying not only fantastic new coffee machines but also fitting out their cafe with a new style which stays true to its woodland feel.

The result was fantastic, as you can see the staff were delighted with the new appearance of their station.

We kitted out their cafe with great machines which any of the volunteers in the cafe could use, as it wouldn’t be viable for the cafe to give everybody expert barista training due to the changing nature of volunteers.

Bean to Cup Coffee Machines at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Gardens

The new branding was a massive hit in 2016 and is still enjoyed today along with a slice of cake and your favourite coffee branded latte.

Now at Fairhaven, there’s plenty of reason to pop in for a cuppa.

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